Contractor email lists - at home or business | B2B Lead Gen List

Avocadata's Construction Email List - "Money-Refund" Quality Guarantee

At Avocadata, we are committed to providing the highest quality construction email lists in the industry. Our "Money-Refund" Quality Guarantee ensures:

  • Full Name of Contractor: 95%+ accuracy or your money refunded

  • Job Title of Contractor: 95%+ accuracy or your money refunded

  • Email Address of Contractor: 90%+ accuracy or your money refunded

  • Construction Company Name: 95%+ accuracy or your money refunded

  • Direct Mail Address: 95%+ accuracy or your money refunded

  • Phone Number: 95%+ accuracy or your money refunded

Important Tip for Buying Construction Email Leads

The majority of B2B email campaigns fail for one simple reason: the email message is sent to a non-decision maker. Research shows that most construction email lists consist of generic email addresses or contacts of lower-level employees (customer service, website administrators, info requests, etc.). For success, your construction email list must consist of key decision-makers

Construction Email List Quantities

We offer email lists for over 400 construction markets. Below is a sample: Building Contractor Email List: 23,635 contacts

Electrical Contractor Email List: 36,327 contacts

General Contractor Email List: 52,927 contacts

Handyman Contractors Email List: 10,054 contacts

Home Builders Contractor Email List: 17,415 contacts

Home Improvement Contractor Email List: 12,056 contacts

HVAC Contractors Email List: 34,518 contacts

Painting Contractors Email List: 18,361 contacts

Plumbing Contractor Email List: 34,594 contacts

Roofing Contractor Email List: 24,100 contacts

Important Note: The above quantities are based on the primary business function. Email list quantities are significantly higher when including secondary construction activities.

Contractor Email List Profile

What types of contractors are responding to your email promotions?

How many of your contractor customers have websites? How many are spending money on advertising? How many have more than 5 employees? Are the new contractors (less than 3 years) buying at a greater rate than the more established contractors?

We can provide you with a detailed Contractor Profile that will answer all of these questions … and more. Knowledge is power! The more you know about your contractors … the more success you’ll have in targeting. Ask one of our representatives for details.

Specialized Contractor Email Addresses

If your construction email campaign requires specific decision-makers, consider email lists from specialized construction publications. Please note that email addresses from publications are priced higher. If your marketing budget demands a low-cost contractor email list, our standard lists may be the best option.

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